Courses & Workshops
Welcome to our courses and workshops section!
Here you can find a variety of unique and contemporary courses that offer a fresh perspective on healing and spirituality. We are constantly updating our listings, so be sure to check back often for new offerings of core and bespoke courses and workshops.
Bespoke Course: 二重の和 (Double Circles)
Pretty much everyone wants to fit in with their society. We are hardwired to do this as part of our survivalist instincts. This generally makes day to day living easy as we all know the rules. There is a Japanese word - “Wa” which roughly translated means “living within the circle” i.e., being what society expects you to be. However, sometimes we are so busy doing this that we forget about ourselves as an individual. This short course is called “ni jyuu no wa” (double circles), meaning embracing individuality as well as social norms. The course will include techniques to look at how to identify your thoughts and feelings as well as acknowledge how these differ from learnt expectations on how you should be. If you are studying spirituality, this is a fundamental skill for understanding who and what you are and new ways of working.
This course is run on behalf of “The Golden Heart Academy”, part of Whole Energy Management ®️, Principal Fumi Finch and is therefore for their students and in Japanese.
Six Sessions running from: 20/03/24 - 22/6/24